2. NEWS
  3. ★びじゅなび主催★<VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD”002>2023年8月12日(土)恵比寿LIQUIDROOMにて開催!YUKKE率いる伝説のセッションバンド「HAPPY FARM」が5年ぶりに奇跡の復活!

★びじゅなび主催★<VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD”002>2023年8月12日(土)恵比寿LIQUIDROOMにて開催!YUKKE率いる伝説のセッションバンド「HAPPY FARM」が5年ぶりに奇跡の復活!

4月30日、池袋EDGEにて開催したびじゅなび主催イベント<VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD”001>をお陰様で大盛況にて終える事が出来ました。
(当日のレポートはこちら→https://archive.visunavi.com/0430_edge/ )
そして今夏、8月12日(土)に恵比寿リキッドルームにて<VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD”002>を開催することが決定致しました!

「HAPPY FARM」、「NoGoD」、「Cazqui’s Brutal Orchestra」、「Rides In ReVellion」、「鐘ト銃声」の5組!
★YUKKE(MUCC)が中心となり結成された伝説のセッションバンド「HAPPY FARM」がおよそ5年ぶりに復活!
「HAPPY FARM」は2016年に結成、メンバーは、ヴォーカル:maya(LM.C)、ギター:悠介(lynch.)と冬真(ex.CLØWD)、ベース:YUKKE(MUCC)、ドラム:莎奈(ユナイト)という豪華な5人。
自身の所属バンドやレジェンドバンドの名曲カヴァーをレパートリーとし、2018年下北沢GARDEN(現:下北沢シャングリラ)で行われたワンマンライヴを完売させ、ヴィジュアルロック好きにはたまらないコアな人気を誇っています!しかし2018年11月のTSUTAYA O-WESTでのライヴ出演以降、その後の活動がなく復活が待ち望まれていました。びじゅなび主催に注目の登場です!

VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD “001”, an event hosted by VISUNAVI, was held at EDGE in Ikebukuro on April 30, and was a great success.
We would like to thank all the performers and everyone who came to the event!
(For the report of the day, please visit https://archive.visunavi.com/0430_edge/ )

And this summer, “VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD” 002″ will be held at Ebisu Liquid Room on August 12 (Sat)!

The performers you should be interested in are…
The five groups are “HAPPY FARM,” “NoGoD,” “Cazqui’s Brutal Orchestra,” “Rides In ReVellion,” and “Kane to Jusei”!
One more group is scheduled to be added!

VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD “002” to be held on August 12 (Sat), 2023 at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM! The legendary session band “HAPPY FARM” led by YUKKE will make a miraculous comeback after 5 years!
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The legendary session band “HAPPY FARM,” formed mainly by YUKKE (MUCC), is back after an absence of about five years!
HAPPY FARM” was formed in 2016 with 5 members: Vocals: maya (LM.C), Guitar: Yusuke (lynch.) and Toma (ex.CLØWD), Bass: YUKKE (MUCC), Drums: Sana (Unite).
With a repertoire of covers of classic songs from their own bands and legendary bands, and a sold-out solo show at Shimokitazawa GARDEN (now Shimokitazawa Shangri-La) in 2018, the band boasts a core popularity among visual rock lovers! However, since their appearance at TSUTAYA O-WEST in November 2018, there has been no further activity since then and their revival has been eagerly awaited. This is a noteworthy appearance hosted by VISUNAVI!
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A genuine head-to-head competition that can only be realized on this day by a lineup of “surefire” faces who have been involved in the scene for over 20 years and are strongly focused on the “present” because of VISUNAVI.
Please come and witness it with your own eyes!
Additional information will be announced as it becomes available, so please look forward to it!

■VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD”002

August 12, 2023 (Sat) Ebisu Liquid Room
【出演者】HAPPY FARM / NoGoD / Cazqui’s Brutal Orchestra / Rides In ReVellion / 鐘ト銃声
…and more
制作:com agent / Glitterbest.LLC


★びじゅなび主催★<VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD”002>2023年8月12日(土)恵比寿LIQUIDROOMにて開催!YUKKE率いる伝説のセッションバンド「HAPPY FARM」が5年ぶりに奇跡の復活!https://archive.visunavi.com/news/458294

★プレオーダー本日23:59まで!!★びじゅなび主催★<VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD”002>2023年8月12日(土)恵比寿LIQUIDROOMにて開催!YUKKE率いる伝説のセッションバンド「HAPPY FARM」が5年ぶりに奇跡の復活!https://archive.visunavi.com/news/459420/

★タイムテーブル解禁!!びじゅなび主催★<VISUNAVI presents Visual Rock is not “DEAD”002>2023年8月12日(土)恵比寿LIQUIDROOMにて開催!YUKKE率いる伝説のセッションバンド「HAPPY FARM」が5年ぶりに奇跡の復活!https://archive.visunavi.com/news/460681

★びじゅなび主催@恵比寿LIQUIDROOM開催直前!ラジオレポート★ <#V系って知ってる?~出張編3~>特番ラジオオンエア!「とにかくリキッドルームは楽屋からステージの距離が遠いから気を付けて!」──(団長)
